Diane Reid's FIRST sail on her new Mini Transat 650 Ocean Racer
by Tory Crowder on 24 Mar 2010

Diane Reid - One Girl’s Ocean Challenge One Girl's Ocean Challenge Media

World Class and Transatlantic Sailor, Diane Reid, invites you onboard the chase boat, to experience, her FIRST sail on her new Mini Transat 650 Ocean Racer.
21 foot Ocean Racer arrives in Toronto from Seattle, April 7, 2010. This commences Diane’s campaign to win the 2011 Mini Transat SOLO Ocean Race: a grueling 4000+ mile race across the Atlantic Ocean.
High Performance Racing Yacht arrives by truck at Ashbridge’s Bay Yacht Club for solo-sailor, Diane Reid’s first sail on Lake Ontario.
Wednesday April 7, 2010
10:00a.m. – 4:00p.m. (Approximately 20 -30 minutes per sail)
***by appointment ONLY***
Reception to follow
Ashbridge’s Bay Yacht Club
30 Ashbridge's Bay Park Road
Toronto, Ontario
M4L 3W6
About Diane Reid
Born in Port Hope, Ontario, Diane Reid has been a sailor for as long as she can remember.
As a young girl, Diane would sail alongside her parents. At the age of 12, she joined the Sea Cadets and she began teaching sailing at the age of 17. Shortly after, Diane began racing the one design Thunderbird class which she raced in the Lake Ontario 300. As training for this regatta, Diane participated in the Lake Ontario Short-Handed Racing Series. This is when single-handed sailing became her passion.
Currently based out of Ashbridge’s Bay Yacht Club, Toronto, Diane has over 15 years of international racing experience, including two World Championship campaigns – the 2001 Doyle Thunderbird Internationals (Toronto) and the 2005 Thunderbird Internationals (Boston). In 2008 and 2009, Diane sailed her Thunderbird in the Lake Ontario Short-Handed Racing Series, , placing first in the Single Handed Spinnaker division.
Diane is currently training to race in the 2011 Mini Transat 6.50 (also known as the Transat 650) race from France to Brazil in the Series division – she will be sailing a Zero.
Follow Diane’s campaign at www.onegirlsoceanchallenge.com
About the Mini Transat
The Mini Transat 6.50 (also known as the Transat 650) is the first transatlantic sailing race for single-handed yachts 6.5 metres long. It’s the largest fleet of offshore racing yachts in the world, bringing up to 100 participants to the starting line.
The race is approximately 4,000 miles across the Atlantic ocean – from France to a stopover in the Madeira Islands and then to Brazil. It is considered the little sister of the bigger ocean races, with the same or even tougher conditions.
For more information visit: http://www.classemini.com/
For more information or to book the media boat please contact: Jump Start Communications, Tory Crowder 416 998 9702 torycrowder@sympatico.ca
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