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Firefly Craftinsure Vines Series Event 8 at Dell Quay Sailing Club

by Jenny Smallwood 24 Sep 21:55 PDT 21-22 September 2024

Saturday dawned sunny with a decent breeze as the 15 visitors and 12 club members sat around eating bacon butties waiting for the tide to come in.

The fleet launched for race 1 at midday, for a two-lap race in breezy easterly conditions. The port-biased line attracted a bunch who were pushed over by the tide, causing a general recall and then a black flag start; to which Sebi/Rachael (sailing the new Ovington 4444) fell foul. Jason, crewed for most ably by his son Toby, rounded the windward mark first, but quickly got sucked back into the fleet who split around them on the first run. Jenny/Phil came out ahead at the bottom mark, closely followed by Nigel/Emily who's superior hiking ability got them to the second windward mark in the lead. On the triangle of the second lap, Jenny/Phil covered Nigel/Emily in order to close the gap and narrowly pipped them on the finish line to take the win. Angus, crewed by a local junior, took third place.

The second race was a longer three-lap race, in slightly lighter winds. Again, the line was port biased, but the fleet got away on the first start. Nigel/Emily led the entire way around the course, only to be notified that they were OCS when they crossed the finish line. There was tight racing in the ensuing pack, with Jenny/Phil taking first place, followed by George/Oscar and Guy/Sally.

The final race of the day was another three-lapper. Despite the turned tide, there was considerable bunching at the starboard end, and jostling led to a couple of boats being over the line who had to return. Shifts and tidal differences allowed for close racing in the pack, but the local leaders with their junior crews (Mark/Beatrice, Harvey/Sarah and George/Oscar) managed to maintain their positions throughout the race.

The fleet returned ashore, greeted with ginormous slices of cake and a manned bar. The evening social exceeded expectations, with huge portions of delicious pie and local ice creams enjoyed by all. Kegs of dark and stormy were prepared and duly consumed by those who were staying locally. We particularly thank Gideon who put in a huge shift both as master of the pies and late-night bartender, along with his merry band of helpers and DJs.

The late start on Sunday was appreciated by all who had been up to the early hours, some brave/foolish enough in venturing to "the meth lab" after the sailing club locked up. The wind was light, and from a southerly direction, so racing took place in front of Chichester Marina.

The fourth race of the event got away smoothly, with those starting at the starboard end generally doing best. The fleet was compact on the run, and with a rule stating that you had to cross the start-line on the downwind leg, the committee boat effectively became a mark of the course. This made for great spectating from the committee boat, and mild carnage within the racing fleet. On the second and third laps, the top reach followed the tree-lined bank of the river and gains could be made by staying out of the wind shadow here. Harvey/Sarah, easily identifiable with Harvey's birthday balloon) took the lead and extended to the finish line for a birthday victory. Nigel/Emily followed in second, and George/Oscar completed the podium.

In the second race of the day, Gideon/Arthur had a great start ahead of the fleet, unfortunately just one minute early; and on a black flag start. The best approach was similar to that of the first race, stay in the wind and away from the bank. Jenny/Phil used this strategy to get into the lead and extend away from the group behind. Guy/Sally claimed second, with Jono/Boots taking third.

Before the final race of the event, a few drops of rain threatened the fleet, but fortunately the bad weather didn't set in. The tide had now turned, and Jenny/Phil and George/Oscar traded first and second places throughout the three laps, with Nigel close behind. On the final lap, we didn't head back to the committee boat but rather continued racing up river and back to the club line to finish right by the slipway, under a crowd of waving supporters. Jenny/Phil took the win, with Nigel/Emily in second and George/Oscar in third.

After 6 races, with 2 discards, the podium overall was: Jenny/Phil (4pts), George/Oscar (11pts), Nigel/Emily (16pts). It was great to see so many of the DQSC juniors out in boats with friends and family, and the three best juniors (Oscar, Cai, Sarah).

A massive thank you to Dell Quay SC and their awesome team of volunteers for hosting such a great event for all the competitors, in particular PRO Steve and his race team, the house team who kept us fed and watered and, of course, event organiser Gideon.

Overall Results:

PosSail NoHelmCrewClubR1R2R3R4R5R6Pts
13625Jenny SmallwoodPhilip AldhousWest Oxfordshire SC11‑4‑4114
22594George YeomanOscar StephensItchenor‑5233‑7311
33007Nigel WakefieldEmily SaundersonNetley Sailing Club2(OCS)‑13210216
43695Angus CookCai MecklenburghCastaways347‑154‑1218
53318Guy DavisonSally WakefieldLlangorse SC103‑11‑162419
63674Harvey HillarySarah RichardsDQSC‑1252112‑1320
7498Mark TaitBeatrice TaitDell Quay Sailing Club6(OCS)19‑14521
84400Jono PankBootsImperial Poona YC‑118‑14631027
93023Barney SmithAlannah HebbertHamble River SC‑1812555‑1427
102065Jason Aldous Papercourt4108‑12‑13729
113476James BallLorelei BatesPapercourt‑137‑127111136
123095Christian GuyIona SherwoodCastaways899‑18‑161642
134077Thijs KnapperBen KnapperParkstone Yacht Club(DNC)(DNC)6218843
142587Richard WhitefootElizabeth WhitefootSnowflakes166‑17139(DNC)44
152947Charlie TavnerDaisy Tavner (DNC)(DNC)DNC106650
163125Archie MasseyRosie MasseyDell Quay Sailing Club7(DNC)(DNC)8BFD951
173739Rachel Crebbin Chichester Yacht Club‑171310‑22151553
183556Ted AshworthElla AshworthNetley Sailing Club914‑181717‑2057
194444Sebi SchmidtRachael CrossPenzance Sailing Club(OCS)11‑2011201860
20550Tim BoonFlorence/Imogen BoonDell Quay Sailing Club14161614‑21(DNC)60
2118Will ParrettRory/Otto ParrettDell Quay Sailing Club1515‑19‑20181765
223127Shaun PollardZara PollardDell Quay Sailing Club‑201715‑19191970
232525Gideon SherwoodArthur SherwoodDQSC1918(RET)23(BFD)2282
241809Sarah MartindaleSam/Pip MartindaleDell Quay Sailing Club211921(DNC)‑222182
2567Jonathan RutterJasmine & Oliver RutterDell Quay Sailing Club22(DNC)(DNC)25242495
26373Scott DerhamScott DerhamEmsworth Slipper Sailing Club(DNC)(DNC)DNC24232398
273173Chris FryHope FryDQSC23(DNS)22(DNC)DNCDNC101

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