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Bembridge Redwing & One-Design Racing on 21st & 22nd September

by Mike Samuelson 22 Sep 22:41 PDT 21-22 September 2024

Although not originally programmed as a racing weekend, a review of the tide times concluded that racing was perfectly feasible so this was exactly what was then offered.

On Saturday there where two Redwings, Capella II helmed by Hugo Cuddigan and Harlequin helmed by Xander Shaw. There were also two One-Designs, No 8 with Mark Hodgkinson & Alexander Ross, and No 9 with Penny Stanley and Alastair Speare-Cole (who switched from being the ARO to help Penny. On Sunday, just two Redwings, Xander with Harlequin and Colin Samuelson helming Toucan.

The first round of races on Saturday were relatively short with a laid line to the south of Nainby, to Janson, Nainby and Old Church and back to the line. Xander was marginally ahead after both boats made a good start. On the beat to Janson they decided not to split and with Harlequin showing slightly better speed through the easterly swell rounding ahead, it was then just a matter of waiting t see if Hugo could get Capella to go faster downwind. It was not to be and Harlequin finished about half a minute ahead. For their second race the course was changed to Fitzwilliam, Garland and finishing at Pepe. After a classic bit of match racing Hugo crossed the start line a good three lengths ahead. Eventually splitting tacks with Capella keeping offshore and Harlequin inshore. In the event it did not seem to matter and Hugo rounded Fitzwilliam about half a minute ahead; with the roles reversed from the first race the question was whether Xander could catch Hugo. Although close, it was not to be and Capella finished about fifteen seconds ahead.

The two One-Designs meanwhile had Footprint as their windward mark for the first race and Under Tyne for the second. No 8 helmed for the first race made the slightly better start and seemed to master the difficult sea conditions slightly better than Penny but it was certainly no walkover. Both mistook the Sewer buoy off St Helens Old Church for 'Old Church' but as both also ended up rounding Old Church to port, it made little difference. About two minutes separated the two boats at the finish. Penny stayed helming No 9 and Alexander took over onboard No 8. After an interesting start with No 8 just managing to squeeze in at the Committee Boat end of the short line, Alexander stayed offshore and Penny went inshore in the hopes of picking up the Bembridge shore easterly current. However with Alexander able to keep the boat speed up slightly better than Penny in the easterly swell the end result was not unexpected and No 8 finished a couple of minutes in front.

Although Sunday's forecast was not looking too promising, in the event the rain held off and there was a reasonably steady SE F3 breeze with a slightly less bumpy sea compared to the previous day. Starting at Nainby, the first leg was a short beat to Garland, a reach/run to Britten, a beat to Tara, a run to Nainby, a beat to Garland again and a running finish at Pepe. Although not much in it at the start, Xander found better boat speed as they crossed the line:

Start of Sunday's race:

Rounding Garland at least twenty seconds ahead, Harlequin was then able to control the race and with slightly better boat speed was able to build on each leg; helped by the breeze veering more southerly as they got closer to Tara. A fun race with Harlequin crossing the finish line just under a minute ahead.

Final races of the season next weekend, and then of course its time for the Illusions to re-appear from their summer storage.

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