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15th CIC Normandy Channel Race Day 2

by Normandy Channel Race 16 Sep 10:08 PDT 15 September 2024
15th Normandy Channel Race © Jean-Marie LIOT / CIC NCR2024

English Conundrum

The strategic choices were quick to become the hot topic in this 2024 edition of the CIC Normandy Channel Race. Barely out of the clutches of the current in the Solent and the duos had to choose between three options in their initial quest to make the south-west tip of Cornwall as quickly as possible.

Option 1: to hug the coast for a more direct course, whilst being less subjected to the effects of the current and punching less tide. The downside of this is that there's less breeze to play with. Such were the tactics adopted by Viranga, Gambit and the 'sharps', who are also banking on the benefits of the thermal breeze.

Option 2: to hunt down around a dozen knots of NE'ly breeze mid-Channel, which comes with the requirement to round to the south of the Casquets TSS. This particular scenario is unprecedented in this Norman classic. In fact, this risky deviation may well prove incredibly effective given how well the Class40 scows perform in downwind conditions and on a reach.

This was the move made by Sogestran - Seafrigo, which has sailed an absolute blinder of a race so far. The route taken by her skippers Guillaume Pirouelle and Cédric Château has been mirrored by a sizeable portion of the fleet, with some eleven crews currently hot on the heels of the duo from Le Havre. Finally, a third and final intermediate option is also snaking its way westwards. Making their way along this same Casquets TSS, albeit to the north, this choice is dishing out 8-10 knots of NE'ly wind to the skippers, as well as enabling them not to stray too far from the rhumb line. Such is the route selected by Pierre-Louis Attwell and Maxime Bensa, who are currently top of the Class40 leader board.

Upon exiting the Solent, the skipper of Project Rescue Ocean, Axel Tréhin, perfectly summed up the situation when contacted for today's radio link-up: "We've switched scale. The playground is a lot bigger. It's anyone's game and there are errors aplenty to be avoided. We're part of a small group of 6-7 boats, which have opted to head southwards. Everyone has interpreted the situation as there being less wind on the coast. Will we reap the rewards of the course we're on? Verdict in 18-24hrs." For now, nobody is taking a gamble on the outcome of any one of the three options. What's more, if we look back into the history books from this event, there's every chance of another general bunching up of the fleet at Land's End, with no clear leader for any of the groups.

Lacking speed since the start of the race, Jangada 40 is slowly bringing up the rear of the fleet. On the approach to the entrance to the Solent, luck is not on their side as they're having to punch tide and wind, slamming shut the door to the west for now. However, Jangada's skippers Richard Palmer and Rupert Holmes are still in good spirits, determined to give their all to make up their deficit and complete the 1,000-mile race.

Tomorrow, the eagerly awaited NE'ly breeze is set to build and become more stable right across the course, serving up around fifteen knots for the fleet to play with. Perfect conditions then for this 15th edition, with the long tacks synonymous with champagne sailing. The next round of this thrilling battle across the English Channel and the Celtic Sea will certainly be one to watch...

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