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Moth and Switch Grand Prix at the Weymouth & Portland National Sailing Academy - Preview

by Simon Hiscocks 5 Sep 12:03 PDT 7-8 September 2024
Moth racing in Portland Harbour © Mark Jardine / IMCAUK

The final Moth Grand Prix of the season takes place this weekend, 7th and 8th September, hosted by the Weymouth and Portland National Sailing Academy. The weekend is set to be a special event for a number of reasons.

Firstly we are pleased to introduce the new 'Blue fleet' to the Moth class. The 'Blue fleet' is aimed at slightly older design Moths such as the Mach 2. With a separate start planned, and a slightly shorter windward leg, boats in this fleet will find themselves in a race with a similar target time, whilst avoiding the melee of the main fleet start.

With a good Mach 2 costing less than £4000, this newly introduced fleet provides a great opportunity for quality racing at an incredible value.

Whilst the Moth class can lay claim to be, perhaps unflatteringly, the most expensive dinghy on the market, with the introduction of the 'Blue fleet' it can now boast the cheapest entry level foil racing around.

Whilst the moth fleet might, on paper, be missing some of its biggest stars, the rivalries that rage throughout the fleet provide a highly compelling story. Characters such as Graham Bridle vs Phil Rees and Steve Maclean vs John Evans being as enticing as any. The keen moth sailor will always take a peek to see who has come out on top from these contests and for sure they are not alone.

Further up the fleet look out for Gareth Davies, Gareth suffered a broken rib and punctured lung following a nasty crash at the nationals.

He has made a fast recovery and he is all set to get back on the water where you would not bet against finding him at the very front of the fleet.

It's not just the Moth fleet who will be racing around Portland Harbour this weekend: There's a new kid on the block! Keen eyes might have spotted the Switch One Design at the dinghy show earlier this year, and this, effectively one design Moth, is now set to see its first ever UK racing event.

This building fleet sees some serious talent to fight it out. New to the class, Wasp National Champion and seasoned ILCA campaigner Sam Whaley will be looking towards the front of the fleet. He will however expect to be pushed hard by recently crowned Aero world champion, Fin Dickinson, who finished runner up to Sam in the Wasp and also took out the ILCA National title earlier this summer: These two are well set up for a long rivalry. Another strong name to watch is Zac Blomely who has been quietly winning titles in the 69f class he has plenty of time on the foil and his skills could translate well. Can these three contenders hold off the experience of Moth and Switch sailor Simon Hiscocks? Or could they all be beaten by Elysia O'Leary with a bottle of rum from across the Irish Sea?

Finally its all set for a live broadcast by MarineCast Media who are a new company with plenty of water sports experience behind them.



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