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Savills Channel Islands Hobie Cat Championships at the Royal Channel Islands Yacht Club

by Gordon Burgis 3 Jul 02:56 PDT 29-30 June 2024

A flat glassy sea with little wind greeted the Hobie crews as they rigged their boats on the Gunsite beach in anticipation of the first of six Championship races on the Saturday morning. The wind eventually filled in from the south after an hour's delay, enabling the Hobie teams to launch and commence racing in pleasant sailing conditions.

This was the 33rd year in its history with the Royal Channel Islands Yacht Club hosting the event and Savills Estate Agents sponsoring the Championships for the 6th year running.

Crews were excited to see the wind had increased considerably for Sundays racing, 14 gusting 18 kts at times from the north west, this provided plenty of action on the long Championship courses set by Race Officer Elaine Burgis and team, which spanned most of St Aubin's bay.


This was the largest class with 22 boats competing, the racing was close and highly competitive over the 2 days with a number of general recalls showing the starting line keenness! At the end of the first days racing it was Darren Stower a former Australian ranked number 3 in the class with Junior crew Edward Franklin who led the Fleet, followed by Veteran helm Gordon Burgis crewed by another Junior, Olly Hunt in second, Ollie Voak and Megan Roworth were in third place.

On Sunday it was the Youth teams who flourished in the increased wind conditions with Luke Paxton Garnier and Steph Egan battling it out with Voak and Roworth at the top end of the Fleet for the ultimate position, eventually it went to down to the wire with Paxton Garnier and Egan taking the title by just 1 point from Voak and Roworth, Burgis placed third with his young crew Hunt. Alex Ohlsson with Cadet crew Ava Martin came fourth.


Junior helm Lucas McAllister crewed by Dad Rob dominated the racing to take a credible first in the class, they were followed by Bart Tkacz and Katya Lynnyk-Ali sailing their first Championships together in second with Youth team Alf Barrowcliffe and Henry Lucas placing third, an excellent achievement considering they missed the first days sailing.


Adrian Jesson and Paul Marin ruled the roost in the powerful Hobie 18 class with 5 counting first places. Youth helm Peter Washington crewed by Antoine Bacquet raced well considering he is new to Wildcat activity by placing second, Jimmy Fullerton and Perry Stone were one point behind them in third.


The racing was close and exciting for the Junior teams racing the Hobie Dragoons especially in Sunday's fresher winds. Lottie Ohlsson crewed by Capucine Bacquet pulled out all the stops with 4 firsts and a second to take the title, Henry Edwards and Nat Winchester won 2 of the races with the rest seconds, giving them the runner up spot. Luke Haydon sailing with Cameron Castle on the Saturday and crewed by Dad Steve on Sunday did really well in the conditions to place third given that he is relatively new to racing.

At the Prize Giving which took place at the RCIYC thanks and appreciation were extended to the Race team, guard boat crews, the beach team and to Savills for their valued sponsorship of a highly successful Championships.

Overall Results:

HOBIE 16 'A' FLEET (top six)
1st Luke Paxton Garnier & Steph Egan
2nd Ollie Voak & Megan Roworth
3rd Gordon Burgis & Olly Hunt
4th Alex Ohlsson & Ava Martin
5th Aaron le Cornu & Sandrine Martin
6th Grant Neale & Helen Holmes

HOBIE 16 'B' FLEET (top three)
1st Lucas & Rob McAllister
2nd Bart Tkacz & Katya Lynnyk-Ali
3rd Alf Barrowckliffe & Henry Lucas

HOBIE WILDCATS (top three)
1st Adrian Jesson & Paul Martin
2nd Peter Washington & Antoine Bacquet
3rd Jimmy Fullerton & Perry Stone

1st Lottie Ohlsson & Capucine Bacquet
2nd Henry Edwards & Nat Winchester
3rd Luke Haydon & Cameron Castle/Steve Haydon

Other awards:

Alex Ohlsson & Ava Martin

Gordon Burgis & Olly Hunt

Juliette Walton

Kai Surcouf & Morgan Surcouf

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