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Rutland Sailing Club Foil Festival is coming in 2024

by James Sainsbury 26 Jun 09:48 PDT
Rutland Sailing Club Foil Festival 2024 © RSC

Rutland Sailing Club are excited to be holding the first foiling festival, dedicated to all things foiling over the weekend of 27th & 28th of July. If you are interested in foiling or just want to see what all the chatter is about pop along and see for yourselves.

If you have your own foiling equipment, bring it along and join in for only £28 for the weekend.

Saturday - We have the Tower Dash. There will be trophies for fastest Dinghy, Wing, and Windfoilers.

Sunday - Will be mixed foil racing, 4 races back-to-back from 11am.

The event is currently supported by:

  • Melges UK - Running free 1 hour foil taster sessions in the Skeeta foiling dinghy. To book your place please contact
  • The Foiling Department will also be bringing the F101 with the potential for some demos.
  • The Team at Tushingham will be bringing along a stand and lots of cool goodies from Starboard, Freewing, WIP, & Severne.

We are also working on the logistics with Shock Sailing to get the new Switch to the Club for demos for those that already have foiling experience over this weekend, Plus, more...

For more information visit the event page here.

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