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J Composites J/99

Contender Open at Weston Sailing Club

by Carl Tagoe 28 Jul 2023 06:18 PDT 22-23 July 2023

Sex, drugs and rock and roll. Well, we had none of that, just lots of rain, copious amounts of wind, though some competitors did, going down the run and reaches, slide into the rock and roll genre.

Saturday it blew between 20 -35 knots. The gusts were "sid vicious" and accompanied by dramatic wind shifts. It was a day for lots of Muscle. And yes, Simon Mussell used his impressive upwind boat speed to great effect, clinching him the first two races. But he did not have it all his own way. Whilst Simon dragged raced, Graeme Willcox sniffed out the wind shifts and bagged himself the last race of the day, which had to be shortened as the race officer was worried that his nice fleet of boats could be pulverised by the wind.

Pulverised or not, the race officer set a brilliant trapezoidal course with long tight reaches. High speed stuff, which led to a few competitors having to wash out in the dinghy park, the hallmark of shame, "the hamble mud", and replace their seed drilled beloved burgees. Back to the racing, Ed Presley as far as I can tell decided for the first three races to reconcile himself with boredom. Within his own space time continuum, he must have watched Simon and Graeme battling it out in front, and looked behind with bemusement to see Stuart Jones and Carl Tagoe rotating around themselves like binary stars. Boredom yielded him a symmetry of three third places.

Tight point margins: Day two. Perfect weather - sun and a tad bit less wind and a lot more shifty than Saturday. This suited Graeme who took no prisoners and won the first two races. Over to Simon to win the last race which allowed him to win the series - no pressure. The wind had now got progressively lighter with more holes in it. The status quo had to change.

Carl Tagoe led the last race. However, a curse was placed upon him. Through complicated computation, Stuart was destined to write this report even though he now found himself stuck at the back of the fleet. Now on the run he saw Carl, lead boat on the beat, and past him; realising the paradigm had changed and with the demeanour of a curse, Stuart called out to Carl in a quiet and caring voice, "my son, if you win this race you have to do the write up".

Paralyzed with such fear, Carl made a mistake, at which time Graeme, now in second place, upped gear and passed through to win the last race and the regatta. Simon Mussell came overall second. Boring Ed, the person who did not want to play games, came third. In order of the curse, the binary stars came fourth and fifth respectively.

Those Weston Sailing Club boys and girls put on a fantastic on and off water venue. The fleet appreciated all their hard work. Many thanks again and again.

Overall Results:

PosSail NoHelm
1695Graeme Willcox
22420Simon Mussell
32708Ed Presley
42607Carl Tagoe
52706Stuart Jones
62383David Davies
7705James Spikesley
82619Mike Murley-Hughes
92449Rob Smith
102661Nick Curry
112751Richard Buttner
122711Duncan Ward
132484Gary Langdown
142746Simon Forbes
152729Chris Howe
162423Simon Dodds
172404John Greenhalgh
172710James Daniels
17712Rodger White
172702Chris Boshier

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