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Windsport Sprint 15 Southens at the Open Dinghy Club

by Keith Bartlett 29 Jun 2006 01:53 PDT 24-25 June 2006
The Sprint 15s return to the Open Dinghy Club for their Southern Area Championships © Keith Bartlett

Making a welcome return to ODC, seven Sprint 15ers travelled to East Preston in Sussex, to join nine boats from ODC for a weekend of sun, sea and sailing on 24/25 June. Saturday arrived to brilliant sunshine and a gentle breeze.

Race officers Pete Roberts and Martin Solomon got proceedings away on time for Race 1 at 12 noon. In a gentle F2 wind, George Stephen sailing Sport mode established an early lead and showed the rest of the fleet round the square course. Bob Carter closed the gap once or twice, with Trevor Bulmer-Jones also in Sport mode sniffing closely on his heels. Race 2 which followed, saw Carter lead the fleet around the windward mark, and off into the distance. A position he held until Philip Howden found a way past on the last lap and pipped Carter to the line by some 30 seconds.

The fleet returned to shore for a welcome food and drink stop, before returning to the water, and a rapidly dying breeze for Race 3. Sensibly the RO decided to shorten the course to 2 laps, and that man Carter chalked up another first place, followed by top ODC helm Paul Craft.

Sunday saw a light breeze fill in from the East, and there was definitely enough wind for a 1 lap Pro-Am training race plus the final two races. The Ams listened carefully to their traveller Pros, and the to the tune of discreet on water tuning hints, Trevor Bumer-Jones lead the way to the windward mark and to the gun.

In a freshening F2 breeze, Carter took the final two races, leaving the ODC locals wondering where he had hidden his engine!

Scoring four firsts, Carter was the convincing winner, and new Southern Area Champion, followed by Grafham club mate Philip Howden in second place, and Queen Mary’s George Stephen taking third place. ODC’s top scorers were Paul Craft in sixth place, followed by Chris Rickard eighth, and Alan Welman ninth.

The draw for the Windsport-Catparts vouchers, saw Phil Howden win the £15 voucher, ODC’s David Murphy took the £10 voucher and “Golden Goldstone” won yet again taking the £5 voucher.

Overall Results:

1st R Carter (Grafham) 4pts
2nd P Howden (Grafham) 11pts
3rd G Stephen (Queen Mary) 13pts
4th E Homberg (Shanklin) 14pts
5th G Goldstone (Queen Mary) 18 pts
6th P Craft (ODC) 20pts

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