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Barton Marine 2019 728x90

Contender World Championship at Sønderborg Yacht Club - Day 3

by Flemming Clausen 19 Jul 2017 22:47 PDT 15-21 July 2017

Plenty of racing and then a 'Jagerbomb Train'...

The Danish wind arrived and the clouds parted to give the 107 Contender sailors perfect conditions to complete three races at the 2017 Contender Worlds.

Jesper Nielsen (DEN 2352) took the first race closely followed by Jason Beebe (AUS 2482) and fellow Dane, Jacob Kristensen.

Beebe then took control of the other two races picking up first place in both, taking the overall lead from Mark Bulka, reigning World Champion.

Sønderborg Yacht Club gave their thirsty guests a demonstration of the classic "Jagerbomb train trick" along with a generous BBQ to soak up their beverages.

Results after Day 3: (five races)

1st Jason Beebe, AUS2482, 6pts
2nd Mark Bulka, AUS 2457, 7pts
3rd Jesper Nielsen, DEN 2352, 16pts
4th Simon Mussell, GBR 2420, 21pts
5th Ben Holden, GBR 2315, 23pts

Full results here (currently showing after 3 races)

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