Yacht departs Southport - see the pictures and believe
by Sail-World Cruising on 26 May 2009

Yacht 1 SW
This 'sailor' decided to commence a passage from Southport to Yeppoon yesterday.
The forecast was seas 9 to 10 mtrs with a storm warning with winds that had at times been recorded at 61 kts at the seaway. He attempted to go out the seaway at 3pm yesterday.
It is understood that he finally changed his mind and was able to return to the Broadwater.
As Sail-World was rendered speechless, we have chosen to publish some of our letters from Readers:
Sender: Antony Carrington
Message: Your article with parentheses around 'sailor' would appear to be spot on!!
what a 'Muppet' as another punter has apparently said.
What WAS he/she thinking - NOTHING obviously
Sender: Tony Johnston
Message: Bad enough to get caught out in a blow when you have plenty of sea-room and
a well trained crew but to attempt to put to sea in the conditions forecasted
beggars belief. There is absolutely no valid reason or imperative that would entice
me to ever attempt to put to sea in these conditions.
Hope his insurers find him and raise his premium to reflect the major risk that he
represents, not only to himself but those who would have felt compelled to attempt a
Whilst I support the theme 'education not legislation', I can understand to some
extent the legislators reaction to such examples of gross ignorance/negligence.
Some people just don't deserve to sail, let alone own a boat.
Sender: Drew Hulton-Smith
Message: If the details of this story are correct (that the boat attempted the crossing at 3pm on Tuesday 26th May, this was dead on the bottom of the tide on one of the bigger spring tide ranges of the year (0925h 1.14m, 1458h 0.10m, 2157h 1.85m). According to the Waverider buoy plot things were not that bad, and Seaway Tower was recording only 13-15 knots SE at the time, nonetheless NOBODY would attempt to cross at that state of the tide! This skipper should not be in charge of a boat like that, or should stick to the Broadwater with the rest of the inexperienced, underskilled, overconfident and ignorant boaties that breed in there!
Sender: tom thomas
Message: Crazy guy!!
Sender: Grant Niddrie
Message: Was he running from his wife, the taxman, interpol , or has a date with Davy Jones pesonally. If I was the Qld police or the local yacht club at least , Id grab the guy, and after an official psychiatric test, hang him from the spreaders for a week , remove all his licences, and do whatever I could to have this CRAZY removed from ever being out there on the sea again. He's been real lucky to survive this one .but what rescue teams is he prepared to put at risk for his jollies out there amongst us all.I believe wiser and better prepared sailors.
Capt Grant Niddrie
MCA RYA Master 200 Gt
15 years Sail and Motor experience ,
Yachts 18 to 35 metres.
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