Archipelago Raid Day 3 images
by Thierry Martinez on 20 Aug 2009

ALAND - FINLAND . 19 August 2009.
Day 3 , Start of Leg 3 at Headquarter EKERO (Aland) (60.14.00 N- 19.31.80 E)
- 2009 Archipelago Raid ThMartinez / Sea & Co - Copyright
Photographer Thierry Martinez sent these images from Day 3 of the 2009 Archipelago Raid.
The first two days were under light wind and grey sky, but the third day was a great sailing day for all competitors on their catamarans (Formula 18).
The Raid is now in Aland archipelago ( Between Sweden and Finland). With 10 to 20 knots of wind, sun and great sailing even with an early start at 5:00 am... Archipelago is one of the best places on the planet to race.
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