Breaking News – Maximus PAN PAN
by Rob Kothe on 16 Dec 2007

Maximus juices up before leaving Auckland to compete in the Rolex Sydney Hobart, last week Richard Gladwell
One of the top 2007 Rolex Sydney to Hobart line honours contenders, New Zealand’s super maxi yacht Maximus is in trouble 115 miles from Sydney on her delivery voyage from Auckland ahead of the big race.
One of New Zealand’s top offshore sailors Ross Field and owner Bill Buckley are on the 30 metre boat with the delivery crew and they advised New Zealand and then Sydney marine authorities that during the night, a loud crack was heard from the keel. No one is injured and the boat is not taking water.
This morning they put a diver overboard who confirmed a 20mm crack in their canting keel, (initally reported as a 20cm crack)which is not a standard solid structure but two sliding members. During the day, there continued to be noises coming from the structure.
The Maximus crew initally contacted Taupo Marine Radio and Sydney Water Police sent out a Police Launch in case the keel broke away and the boat capsized. The Police Launch 'Alert' has been in company with Maximus for the last few hours.
The two boats are now motoring towards Sydney traveling at about 8 knots in a 20 knot north easter, however a frontal system will deliver strong southerly winds this afternoon. Based on current speed, they are due into Sydney early tomorrow morning.
Maximus left Auckland on Wednesday, at this stage is it is not known whether the sliding keel is repairable. Assuming she gets to Sydney with her keel still on the boat, it is presumed Maximus will go straight to Woolwich Dock to have the damage assessed. If repairs are possible, then there may be a desperate seven day repair attempt to get Maximus to the start line on Boxing Day.
Maximus won the 2005 Transatlantic race on corrected time then the 2005 Rolex Fastnet race taking line and handicap but she has not had a good run, with the Hobart race so far, in the 2006 race she was in the leading trio when her mast splintered and came crashing to the deck, with injured sailors having to be helicopter off the boat.
One of four 30m maxis contesting this year's race, Maximus has unfinished business to attend to after last years dismasting. Now sailing with a fixed rather than a wing mast, owner Bill Buckley believed Maximus will be hot on the stern of Wild Oats XI and possibly ahead if the sea state deteriorates.
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