New York to host Living on the Edge event
by Kate Neubauer on 10 Apr 2013
Living on the Edge Event 2013 - Eventbrite Header world center hotel Kate Neubauer
11th Hour Racing is pleased to announce Living on the Edge: Coastal Communities and Climate Change, an evening celebration of the third sailing of The Atlantic Cup, the first carbon neutral sailing race in the United States.
The event brings together a spectrum of well-respected voices to explore the sailing industry’s commitment to the environment and recognize the changing climate effects on New York City, into a provocative panel discussion entitled 'Telltales.' Global Green USA’s President Matt Petersen will moderate the conversation. Sailors for the Sea’s founder David Rockefeller, Jr. will provide opening remarks. Panelists include Dr. Ben Strauss, CEO of Climate Central, Hannah Jenner, skipper of 40 Degrees Racing, and Chip Giller, President and Founder of
The Living on the Edge host committee includes: Wendy Schmidt, The Schmidt Family Foundation; David Rockefeller Jr., Sailors for the Sea; Roland Lewis, Metropolitan Waterfront Alliance; and, Tom Glendening, E3Think.
Tickets are $115/ticket, or a 'boatload' for $100/person for ten tickets. Drinks and appetizers will be served at the event, scheduled on May 16th from 6-9 p.m. at World Center Hotel at 144 Washington Street, New York, NY. Tickets are available for purchase at
Living on the edge and for additional information
click here.
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