ABN AMRO announces Volvo Ocean Race crew
by Lizzie Green on 25 Nov 2004
ABN AMRO announced today the crew that will race under the leadership of Mike Sanderson in the 2005-06 Volvo Ocean Race.
The line-up, selected by skipper Mike Sanderson, and technical director, Roy Heiner, is as follows:
Brad Jackson - Watch Captain (NZL) (New Zealand Endeavour/Merit Cup/Tyco), Tony Mutter - Helmsman Trimmer (NZL) (Swedish Match/Team SEB) David Endean - Trimmer Pitman (NZL) (Tyco) Jan Dekker - Bowman (FR) (Merit Cup/Tyco) Robert Greenhalgh - Helmsman Trimmer (UK) Justin Slattery - Bowman (IRE) (News Corp) Stan Honey - Navigator (USA)
TEAM ABN AMRO skipper Mike Sanderson said: ‘Next year's Volvo Ocean Race will be the toughest ever test of our technical, physical and emotional strength. The Volvo 70's will be extremely fast and the mix of offshore and inshore racing adds new pressures.
'I am delighted by the composition of the team - great talent, huge experience and strong personalities. Over the next 11 months we will be building the spirit and understanding required to win a world class team competition.’
Jan Berent Heukensfeldt Jansen, Managing Director of TEAM ABN AMRO said: ‘This is an international crew to represent an international bank. We have huge admiration for these men, for their skill, professionalism and commitment. Our role is to provide them with the infrastructure and support teams that will ensure TEAM ABN AMRO fulfils its potential.’
The Volvo Ocean Race is arguably the toughest test of teamwork in world sport. No other groups of elite sportsmen could be expected to maintain performance levels day in day out for nine months. Crews are stretched to the limits of endurance as food and sleep are sacrificed in the name of speed. And each man relies on his team-mates for their health and safety.
Email: lizzie.green@volvooceanrace.org www.volvooceanrace.org
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