All aboard for Med-Red 2006
by Event Media on 14 Mar 2006

Map of the Course SW
The Med-Red Rally is about to set sail. Sailors from Turkey, USA, Canada, France, Belgium, Russia, South Africa, Great Britain, Switzerland, Holland, New Zealand Turkey and Israel are gathering in Yacht Marina Marmaris, Turkey, before setting off on the Rally.
Participants will set sail from Turkey, cross the eastern end of the Mediterranean Sea to Israel, and then pass through the Suez Canal into the Red Sea to explore Egypt and the African Coast.
Mr. Easy Swissa, the President of the Israeli Sailing Forum and Rally Commodore, said that Yacht Marina Marmaris was chosen to become a partner in this special project on account of its wonderful facilities and great hospitality.
‘We see this as a long time cooperation, with YMM being the launching spot for the Mediterranean.’
‘Sailors will have the opportunity to participate together with other seafarers from all over the world in a challenging and unique adventure. It's a true expression of the concept of a 'sea without limits’. Only a sporting event of this magnitude can bring people together for a shared experience, which transcends national boundaries and cultures’, he added.
Mr. Eitan Friedlander, Rally co-organizer said: ‘We want to give all yachts joining the Med-Red-Rally for the first leg from Turkey to Israel, a warm welcome feeling and a good farewell party before joining the rest of the fleet in Tel-Aviv for the Grand Start. We believe YMM is the ideal partner for this task.’
Mr. Yair Michaeli, an experienced sailor, and his wife Mandy will be the Commodores of the first leg from Marmaris to Israel. They will arrive in Yacht Marina Marmaris a week before the Rally to help participants prepare their yachts and crew.
Yacht Marina will host a party for all Rally participants on 6 April 2006 – a great opportunity for the international participants to get together.
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