Kito De Pavant (Groupe Bel) establishes new world record
by John Reed, WSSR / Sail-World on 18 Jun 2013

Kito De Pavant, Groupe Bel Jean-Marie Liot / DPPI / Vendée Globe
The World Speed Sailing Record Council (WSSR) has announced the establishment of a new World Record by Kito De Pavant (FRA). Pavant sailed singlehanded Monohull 60 foot 'Groupe Bel' from Marseille to Carthage.
Record: Singlehanded Monohull 60 foot Marseille to Carthage
Yacht: 'Groupe Bel' IMOCA 60
Name: Kito De Pavant. FRA
Dates:. 31st May to the 1st June 2013
Start time: 11;32;45 UTC on 31/05/13
Finish time: 14;16;15 UTC on 01/06/13
Elapsed time: 1 day 2 hours 43 minutes and 30 seconds
Distance: 458M
Average speed: 17.15 kts
Comments: Previous Record: 'Groupe Bel' Kito De Pavant. FRA Jun 09. 1d 21h 20m
WSSR website
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